Posts Copy and Paste XSS in outlook

Copy and Paste XSS in outlook

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The Bug

<form><iframe srcdoc='<script src="`Domain:\x20${window.parent.location.href}\nCookies:\x20${window.parent.document.cookie}`);"></script>'></iframe><input name=firstChild></form>

Lets skip strait to the bug because thats why your all here. The Bug I found was a copy and paste xss in the wysiwyg email editor in outlook web.

Part One: Understanding the wysiwyg editor in outlook

The wysiwyg that outlook uses is called rooster-js The part I had a look at was the copy and paste support provided by it, the basic flow of of the wysiwyg cp&paste was that firstly it would get the data off the clipboard as a html string. It will then go and santize the html string with its self rolled html sanitzer (really bad idea cause html sanitizers a hard). Finaly it will go and insert that html into the node of the editor.

Part Two: blowing the brains of the rooster js html sanitizer

Due to the html sanitzer I couldn’t just insert a normal xss payload, no I needed to find a way to bypass it. The html sanitizer code I needed to bypass was using the DomParser js api to parse the a html string into a dom tree and then loop through the dom-tree and check for html nodes that are not in its whitelist.

The Bypass I found consited around this snippet of code, the html sanitizer would access the property ?.firstChild of each html node to get the next element in the dom-tree. To bypass this protection I used a teqnique called Dom clobbering to overwrite values like ?.firstChild on a html element so that i can sneek my own html that wont get sanitzed into a html string. The exact dom clobbering payload I used was a form with an input that name was firstChild [<form><myhtml></myhtml><input name=firstChild>] this allowed me to place any html I wanted before the input tag exellent!

Part Three: outlooks csp bypass

As soon as I had html injection I ran into a problem, because this is dom based xss I can’t just put in a script tag beacuse its content is only evaluated during the page load time. Luckly I knew a bypass for that, iframes that use srdoc have full access to the window.parent object and also are evaluated anytime they are appended to the document (not just at onload). Example <iframe srcdoc='<script>alert(window.parent.document.cookie)</script>'></iframe> would be the same as <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>. After that all I needed was a bypass for its csp rules, to bypass i used the great and mighty site that told me that the site hosted a badly filtered jsonp endpoint!

Final words

Hopefully you liked my blog, if not then i guess oof. See ya

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